Performance Upgrade & Professional Clean (Semi Auto)
Performance Upgrade & Professional Clean (Semi Auto) Complete disassembly, ultrasonic cleaning and inspection of all parts. Polishing of the breech face, feed ramp and chamber Smoothing of slide to frame fit. Full report. Installation of performance spring kit (Not supplied) Throat and recrown barrel (11-degree target crown)
Performance Upgrade & Professional Clean (Revolver)
Performance Upgrade & Professional Clean (Revolver) Complete disassembly, ultrasonic cleaning and inspection of all parts. Smoothing & timing of the action Installation of performance grade springs (Not supplied) Recrown Barrel (11-degree target crown)
Custom Trigger Work (Semi Auto)
A customized trigger system allows for less creep, a more defined trigger squeeze and a lighter trigger pull. All of which will increase accuracy and ease of use. This is a must have for serious shooters, or for newer shooters looking to up their game.
Custom Trigger Work (Revolver)
A customized trigger system allows for less creep, a more defined trigger squeeze and a lighter trigger pull. All of which will increase accuracy and ease of use. This is a must have for serious shooters, or for newer shooters looking to up their game.
Pistol Barrel Hood Fluting
Pistol Barrel Fluting adds a unique custom look to many of today’s top pistols. Pistol Barrel fluting not only looks great but aids in trapping carbon and dirt build up as not to effect function. (select models)
Pistol Barrel Hood Jeweling
Jeweling to the monoblock portion of the pistol barrel giving both modern and vintage pistols the great classic look only Jeweling can
Pistol Barrel Complete Jeweling
Pistol Barrel Jeweling is one of the best ways to give your 1911, Browning Hi-power, Beretta 92 or any other vintage or modern firearm that classic look. Jeweling not only looks great but can aid in keeping lubricant on the surface of the metal.
Pistol Barrel (Semi Auto) Recrown
Target, Recessed, 11Degree, Concave or Recessed. Pistol Barrels can be crowned to many different degrees including a 90 step. Crowning can greatly improve accuracy by insuring that the muzzle is free from any imperfections and allowing exciting gas pressure to be delivered uniformly and evenly across the muzzle face.
Pistol Undercut Trigger Guard (Polymer Guns Only)
The addition of an extra undercut to the trigger guard creates an extra point of index to help ensure consistent hand position. The second undercut also allows for your off-hand to fit more securely on the firearm by giving you just enough space to raise it slightly as the standard trigger guard forces your off-hand lower and into a less comfortable position.
Pistol Frame Stippling Polymer
Stippling is added to polymer frames to assist in maintaining a positive and secure grip, even in the most extreme and adverse conditions.
Pistol Sight Fitting (Semi Auto)
PSF Using proper techniques and tools are key in correct pistol sight installation.